2022年河南专升本核心单词必考短语汇总 您所在的位置:网站首页 be engaged in doing sth翻译 2022年河南专升本核心单词必考短语汇总


2023-06-11 17:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

4. develop

develop…into 发展/长成为…

develop…from /out of 由…发展起来

develop a film 冲洗胶卷

develop mind and body 身心发展

develop a new business 发展新事业

5. devote

devote to (doing)sth 献身于/专心于

devote oneself to把…献给

devote one’s life /time to 把…用在

be devoted to 专心致志于/忠于/很喜欢

6. die

die out 灭绝/完全消失/绝迹

die of 死于

die from 死于

die for 为…而死

die away (音/风/光)渐渐消失

die down 逐渐减弱/平息

die off 相继死去

die hard (旧习惯等)难改变/消去

be dying for 渴望/极想

7. do

do for 使完蛋 /足够/合适

do up 收拾、打扮、扣上、系上

do with 处理、对付

do without 不用、不要

do over 重做/装饰

do out 清扫/清理

do all one can to do sth 尽力做…

do sth up 修理/重新装修

do all that one can to do sth 尽力做…

do oneself up 梳妆/打扮自己

do what(ever) one can to do sth 尽力做…

do away with 除掉、结束、杀死

do everthing one can to do sth 尽力做…

do (vi) 够、合适

8. dress

dress sb /oneself 给…(自己)穿衣服

dress up 穿上盛装

dress (sb)up as sb /sth 打扮成…

dress sth up 修饰、掩饰

be dressed in 穿着…

9. drive

drive off 迫使…离开/击退/用车把…接走

drive in 乘坐

drive …into …把…打进…

drive sb mad 使…发疯

drive sb out of one’s mind 使…丧失理智

10. drop

drop out (of) 不参加/退出/辍学

drop off(数量)减少/(价格)降低

drop to 下降到

drop in on sb 顺便拜访..

drop into a deep sleep 陷入酣睡中

drop history 不学/不选修历史

11. engage

engage sb to sb 使…与…订婚

get /be engaged to sb 与…订婚

engage oneself to do sth 自愿做…

be engaged in (doing) sth 忙于(做)…

engage with 连接、使吻合

12. equip

equip sb/sth with sth 用…装备…

equip sb for 使…有能力胜任…

sb be equipped to do sth 使某人有能力做…

13. expand

expand in /into 把…扩展/发展/膨胀

expand on sth 阐述/评述

14. fail

fail to do sth 未能做…

fail in doing sth 干…失败

fail in an exam 考试没及格

without fail 一定/务必

15. fall

fall behind 落后

fall down 掉下/倒塌/下降/失败

fall into the habit of 染上…的习惯

fall in love with sb 爱上…

fall to pieces 倒塌/崩溃

fall to the ground 跌倒在地

fall ill /sick /asleep /silent 生病/入睡/不吱声

a heavy fall of rain 一场大雨

have many falls 跌了很多跤

16. feed

feed…on sth /feed sth to …用…喂…

feed on sth 以…为食

feed back 反馈

17. fight

fight for 为…而战

fight against 与…作战

fight with 与…作战/共同对付

fight over 为…而争吵

18. fit

fit in (with) 与…相适应/协调

fit sb /sth in (sth) 安排某人/某事

fit sb /sth out with sth 向…提供所需的东西

fit sb up for sth 诬陷…(犯某事)

be fit for 适合某事

be fit to do sth 适合做…

19. forbid

forbid doing sth 禁止做…

forbid sb to do sth 禁止…做…

20. force

force sb to do sth 强迫…做…

force…open 强行打开…


force sth from/out of sb 从…强行夺取…

force one's way 强行前进/挤过

do…with force 用力做…

by force 用暴力

by force of 借…之力

the air force 空军

labour force 劳力

come into force 实施(法律等)

21. attempt

attempt to do sth 试图/尝试做…

make an attempt to do sth试图做…

make an attempt on/upon sth 试图夺取…

make an attempt at doing sth试图做…

22. attend

attend to

attend on /upon

be attended by

23. believe

believe in 信任、信仰

beyond believe 难以置信

believe it or not 信不信由你

24. blame

blame sb for (doing) sth 因…责备…

be to blame (for…)应承担责任/该受到责备

25. break

break down 中断/分解/出故障

break up 分解/散开/打碎

break in 闯入/打断/插嘴

break into 闯入/强行进入

break off 中断/绝交/休息一下

break out 发生/爆发

break through 突破

break open 以暴力启开

break away from逃走/脱离

break in tears 突然大哭起来

without /with a break 不停的/休息一会儿

break into laughter突然大笑起来

26. bring

bring in 获利/赚钱/提出/获得(收成等)

bring out 出版/阐明

bring on 使发生/引起

bring up提出/抚养/呕吐

bring down击落/推翻

bring about 使发生/造成

bring sb sth /bring sth to /for sb 带给…某物

bring back归还/记起

bring sb/oneself to do sth 使某人/自己做…

bring …to an end 结束

27. burn

burn down 烧毁/烧光/烧为平地

burn up 烧掉/烧毁/越烧越旺

burn off 烧掉

burn out (使)烧坏、烧光

burn with 有(强烈的情绪或要求)

burn…to sth 将…烧成…状态

28. burst

burst into sth 突然…起来

burst into doing sth 突然开始做…

burst out doing sth 突然开始做…

burst open 猛然被推开

29. call

call at sp 到(某地)拜访

call back 回电话

call in 请(进来)/召集

call on /upon 拜访/呼吁

call up 打电话/使…想起

call for 需要/要求

call out 大声喊叫

call forth 唤起/引起/招致

call after 以…的名字命名

call on sb to do sth呼吁/号召…做…

30. care

care for 喜欢/关心/照顾 照看

care about 担心焦虑

31. charge

charge for 收费/要价

charge sb with sth 控告

charge into /down…冲进(向…下跑去)

charge a battery 给电池充电

free of charge 免费的/地

in/under one’s charge 由…负责

in the charge of 由…负责

get charged 导电

take charge of /in charge of 主管/掌管

on charge 在充电

at one’s own charge 自费/用自己的钱

32. compare

compare…with 把…与…相比

compare…to 把…比作…

compared with /to 与…相比(在句中作状语)

33. come

come about 产生/发生

come along 过来/跟着来

come on 加油

come after 跟在…后面

come into being 形成/产生

come out 出来/开花/出版

come to 共计/达到

come over to 造访/来访

come up to 到达/比得上/不亚于

come to know 逐渐认识

come to a stop /an end 结束/停止

come into force /effect 生效

come into power /office 上任

come across 偶然碰到

come to oneself /come back to life苏醒过来

come at 袭击

come down下来/败落

come true 变为现实

come up with 提出/想出(计划、答复等)

come into use开始使用

come up 引起注意/走近/发生/考虑

come up against 碰到/遭到(反对)

34. complain

complain to sb of /about sth 向…抱怨…

complain of doing sth 抱怨做…

35. concern

concern (oneself)about /for 担忧、关心

concern (oneself) with /in 从事、参与

be concerned about /over /for 关心、挂念

be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关

be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关

show /express concern about /for 对…表示关心

36. conclude

conclude from 从…得出结论

37. consider

consider sb to be/as认为…是…

consider doing sth 考虑做…

38. consist

consist of由…构成

consist in 在于、存在于

convince:convince sb of sth 使…相信…

convince sb to do 说服…做…

convince sb that 使…确信…

be convinced of /that…确信

39. cut

cut off 切断/砍掉

cut up 切碎

cut in 插嘴

cut out 割断/剪下/戒除

cut short 缩短/打断

cut through 抄近路/穿过/剪断

cut down 砍/削减/减少

cut back 缩减

40. date

date back to 追溯到…

date from 追溯到…

out of date 过时的/陈旧的

up to date现在的/最新的

to date到目前为止

the date line 国际日期变更线返回搜狐,查看更多






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